Newest Developments in the Field of DMS VOC Analysis


Read the latest news on VOC detection

DMS in Rapid Identification of Brain Tumours

Ilkka Haapala’s PhD dissertation explored the possibility of differentiating tumour types and specific mutations based on DMS. We want to congratulate Ilkka on his successful defense of the dissertation!

Recycling Revolution at IFAT Munich

Lithium ion battery recycling is a rapidly growing industry, since exponentially more batteries are coming to their end of life. Safe recycling requires proper handling of the batteries.


Read the latest articles regarding IonVision DMS published from our development team

Identification of Monopolar Honeys with DMS

The Olfactomics IonVision was used to analyze monofloral honeys from five different botanical origins with promising results! The article is open access, so give it a read!

DMS in Identifying Cancer-Relevant Phospholipids

An article on the identification of phospholipids relevant to cancer tissue using DMS has been published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences! Identification of three cancer-relevant phospholipids (PC, PI, and PE) was studied.

White papers

Here you can find our latest blog posts, white papers and application notes regarding our DMS technology

IonVision Example Data and R Visualization

This blog post is an adaptation from an R notebook that is shared in our GitHub. We show some sections of the IonVision data structure, and plot and explain some DMS spectra.

From Pilot to Project

The second part of our blog about pilot testing is now up! We describe how we conduct pilot studies and how this all ties into the SynbioPro project.

From Idea to Pilot and Beyond

The first part of our blog about pilot testing is now up! We describe the necessary steps to get from an idea to a full pilot-study.