DMS in Rapid Identification of Brain Tumours

Ilkka Haapala’s PhD dissertation explored the possibility of differentiating tumour types and specific mutations based on DMS. We want to congratulate Ilkka on his successful defense of the dissertation at Tampere University on 11.10.2024! IonVision was used as the DMS in several of the studies.

The dissertation found that DMS can be used to identify the most common brain tumour samples based on genetic profiling and different histology with considerable accuracy ex vivo. In the future, DMS could provide an alternative to the current method of histopathological analysis of frozen sections. The disadvantages of the current method include subjectivity and the fact that genetic alterations may remain undetected. Sampling with DMS would also allow for more sampling points around the tumour.

Ilkka Haapala’s dissertation Rapid Identification of Brain Tumours with Differential Mobility Spectrometry can be read on Tampere University’s Trepo database. The work was also noted by Finnish media on YLE (in Finnish) and on Mediauutiset (in Finnish).