21ST century gas analytics

IonVision - A Versatile DMS for VOC analysis


Discover industrial applications of Olfactomics IonVision differential ion mobility spectrometry. 

Resect - a tool for comprehensive surgical margin assessment


Discover revolutionary surgical margin assessment with Olfactomics Resect using differential ion mobility spectrometry.


The core of all Olfactomics solutions is  proprietary  best-in-class differential mobility spectrometer that is capable of detecting compounds from the volatilome in PPB level concentrations in measurement time of milliseconds. The highly sensitive spectrometer is leveraged with state of the art data analytics. 

News & Articles
Regarding VOC Applications

Identification of Monopolar Honeys with DMS

The Olfactomics IonVision was used to analyze monofloral honeys from five different botanical origins with promising results! The article is open access, so give it a read!

DMS in Identifying Cancer-Relevant Phospholipids

An article on the identification of phospholipids relevant to cancer tissue using DMS has been published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences! Identification of three cancer-relevant phospholipids (PC, PI, and PE) was studied.

DMS in Rapid Identification of Brain Tumours

Ilkka Haapala’s PhD dissertation explored the possibility of differentiating tumour types and specific mutations based on DMS. We want to congratulate Ilkka on his successful defense of the dissertation!