DMS Imaging for pathological applications

A research paper on the potential use of DMS in pathological applications by Anton Kontunen was published in Experimental and Molecular Pathology!
Real Time Tissue Identification from Surgical Smoke

A research paper by Anton Kontunen was published in IEEE Sensors Journal! The article presents evidence for real time tissue identification from diathermy smoke by DMS.
Recovery characteristics of tube materials in relation to combustion products

A research paper from Markus Karjalainen was published in the International Journal for Ion Mobility Spectrometry! In the study, different tubing materials were tested to identify the best materials to be used in DMS.
Identifying brain tumors by DMS analysis of diathermy smoke

Ilkka Haapala studied the potential of DMS analysis in brain tumor identification. The study has been published in the Journal of Neurosurgery!
Identification of breast tumors from diathermy smoke by DMS

Maiju Sutinen used DMS to identify carcinoma samples from breast tumors. Benign and malignant tumors were able to be identified using diathermy-based sampling. The study has been published in the European Journal of Surgical Oncology!
Olfactomics technology in discrimination of animal tissues

A research paper by Anton Kontunen describing DMS’s potential in tissue identification was published on highly regarded Annals of Biomedical Engineering!